YOUNG LIVING Essential Oils - sponsor id: 911438

YOUNG LIVING  Essential Oils - sponsor id: 911438
Use sponsor id: 911438

Friday, 27 December 2013

How to Use Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

How to Use Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Posted on December 27th, 2013 | no comments
Expressing gratitude for the abundance in our lives and spending time with loved ones is part of the delight of the holiday season. However, holiday parties and events can also add a lot of strain to our already hectic lives. The lull between Christmas and New Year’s celebrations is a perfect time to take a moment for yourself and relieve some stress. Ylang Ylang essential oil is the perfect antidote for holiday tension; it can generate a sense of calm and relaxation, even in the midst of this action-packed season.
Ylang Ylang essential oil (Cananga odorata) is sourced from a beautiful, drooping, yellow bloom found on the cananga tree. Ylang Ylang is extremely effective in calming and bringing about a sense of relaxation. It may also help with releasing feelings of anger and assist with getting rid of negative feelings. In addition, it has a long history in skin- and hair-care products—particularly in Asia, where it is used to promote luxuriant hair.
Here are some tips from Young Living and our Facebook fans on how to use Ylang Ylang essential oil:
Tips from Young Living
• Apply a few drops to your aching muscles during a massage
• Diffuse to create a relaxing ambiance in your home
• Add a few drops to your favorite lotion, hair conditioners, or styling agents (it’s great for maintaining moisture in the skin and hair)
• Soak in a soothing, hot bath with a few drops
Tips from Young Living Facebook Fans
“I mix Ylang Ylang, Cinnamon Bark, and Ginger essential oils together for a nice perfume!” —Belinda C., YL Member
“I use Ylang Ylang for my scalp massages at my salon!” —Janet K., YL Executive
“As I do with other oils, depending on my need at the time, I mix Ylang Ylang with coconut oil and rub it into my skin before bed. It moisturizes and helps with relaxation.” —Tiffany L., YL Member
“I use it for the times thoughts are continuously going round and round in my head. It helps quiet the thoughts and lets me clear out the noise. I apply it at the base of my neck and on my temples.” —Deba L., YL Member
Grow Your Business with Giftable Samples
Introduce your friends and family to the health-supporting benefits of essential oils and help your sales organization become familiar with Ylang Ylang essential oil.
To make your giftable samples, fill a 2-ml sample bottle, create a small card with Ylang Ylang usage tips, and put them in a festive satchel. Voila! You now have a great sharing tool! Fun ideas include:
• Party favors
• Hostess gifts
• Stocking stuffers
• Teacher gifts
• Holiday presents to your clients and sales team
As always, we’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment on this blog post telling us how you use Ylang Ylang essential oil.

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Myrrh essential oil

Myrrh has a rich, smoky, balsamic aroma that is purifying, restorative, revitalizing, and uplifting. It is also helpful aid to meditation and has long a history of use in skin care for its restorative benefits to aging and dry, chapped skin.

How do you use Myrrh essential oil?

Saturday, 21 December 2013

2014 Winter Harvest!

The heart of what has set Young Living apart for the past 20 years is our beautiful farms and our unique Seed to Seal® process that involves members from across the globe. Our annual Winter Harvest at our Highland Flats, Idaho, tree farm is a special opportunity for Young Living members to experience firsthand our unique Seed to Seal process by harvesting balsam fir, blue spruce, and other trees.
We invite all Young Living members to join us for the 2014 Winter Harvest and experience the joyful hard work and commitment that goes into making every bottle of these essential oils. Register for the event here.
At the harvest, you can look forward to:
  • Playing a vital role in the production of signature essential oils
  • Learning time-tested harvesting methods and reconnecting with a simpler, more natural way of life
  • Discovering a new appreciation for Young Living’s commitment to quality and authenticity
  • Making new friends and lasting memories
Many Young Living members have shared with us their experiences at the Winter Harvest. Young Living Crown Diamond Scott Schuler comes to the Winter Harvest every year. Watch the video below to see why he says it is a great experience.

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Thieves® Household Cleaner




 Thieves Household Cleaner      

 The improved Thieves® Household Cleaner has increased cleansing power and an even safer, more sustainable formulation. The new formula contains ingredients from renewable plant and mineral sources, vegetable-based surfactants compliant with the Green Seal and EPA Design for Environment (DfE) standards, and even more Thieves and lemon essential oils for extra cleaning power. Bottle is 100% recyclable.
Dilution ratios: light degreasing 60:1; medium degreasing 30:1; heavy degreasing 15:1; floors 100:1; walls 30:1; upholstery, fabrics, carpet spotting 40:1; carpet 100:1; glass 320:1; pots and pans; 100:1 hand cleaner 1:1.
Notice: Before cleaning upholstery, fabric, or carpet, perform a spot test in an inconspicuous location. Discontinue use in the unlikely event of staining or skin irritation.

How to Use

Suggested dilution ratios are included on the label. Before cleaning upholstery, fabric or carpet, perform a spot test with the Thieves® Household Cleaner in an inconspicuous area. Shake bottle before using for maximum benefit. Not recommended for internal consumption. Keep out of reach of children. Store away from excessive heat and direct sunlight.


Proprietary suspension of safe surfactants (wetting agents) and Thieves® essential oil (a proprietary blend of 100% pure Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils of clove [Syzygium aromaticum], lemon [Citrus limon], cinnamon bark [Cinnamomum verum], eucalyptus [E. radiata] and rosemary [Rosmarinus officinalis CT cineol].

Saturday, 23 November 2013




NOTE: We make no guarantees of any kind about the safety, performance or effectiveness of any of the techniques, preparations, products or procedures mentioned. This information is not intended nor should be relied upon as a substitute for medical diagnosis, advice or treatment. Where essential oils are mentioned, it is recommended that you use only pure, unadulterated, therapeutic-grade essential oils, and follow the safety directions of the manufacturer.
You use them at your own risk.                                                                                                                     
REFERENCES: Young, N.D., Gary D. An Introduction to Young Living Essential Oils, Ninth Edition, 2001. Essential Oils Desk Reference compiled by Essential Science Publishing 1-800-336-6308

The Essential 7 kit was developed as a starting point for those new to essential oils. YoungLiving (YL) wanted a kit that anyone could use immediately and begin to appreciate the benefits of the oils in every part of our every day life.

The kit contains three single oils - Lavender (lavandula angustifolia), Lemon (citrus limon) and Peppermint (mentha piperita) and
four oil blends developed by D Gary Young: Joy, PanAway, Peace & Calming and Purification.

All the single oils may be used as dietary supplements. All of the oils may be diffused. The diffuser available from YL is a special air pump that is custom designed to disperse the oils in a micro fine vapor. This allows the oils to stay suspended in the air to reduce bacteria, fungi and mold. It also freshens the air with natural fragrances, eliminating the need for synthetic,
harmful air fresheners. The diffuser disperses the oils without heat, which could render the essential oils less effective. Ask your sponsor for more information about diffusers and where they can be purchased. All of the oils can be applied to the Vita Flex points on the feet, added to bath water mixed with YL’s bath gel base, applied topically or used with body and foot

Please carefully read and follow the guidelines for the safe use of Young Living Essential Oils included at the end of this handout.

LAVENDER is the most versatile of all essential oils. Therapeutic-grade lavender has been highly regarded for the skin. Lavender has been clinically evaluated for its relaxing effects. It may be used to cleanse cuts, bruises and skin irritations. The fragrance is calming, relaxing and balancing - physically and emotionally. This organically grown plant is grown and distilled
at the Young Living farms located in Utah, Idaho and France with a special farm devoted to lavender.

1. Rub on the feet for a calming effect on the body
2. Rub a drop on your palms and smooth on pillow to help you sleep
3. Put a drop on a bee sting or insect bite to stop itching and reduce swelling
4. Put 2-3 drops on a minor burn to stop pain. Oil that is not therapeutic (such as from a health food store) is cut with chemicals and will deepen a burn, not heal it. Be sure you have therapeutic grade oils.
5. Drop on a cut to stop the bleeding
6. Mix several drops of lavender with a carrier oil (vegetable oil, V-6 YL Mixing Oil, olive oil and use topically on eczema and dermatitis
7. To alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness, place a drop on the end of the tongue or around the navel or behind the ears.
8. To stop a nosebleed, put a drop of lavender oil on a tissue and wrap it around a small chipof ice. Push the tissue covered ice chip up under the middle of the top lip to the base of the nose and hold as long as comfortable or until the bleeding stops (do not freeze gum or the lip)
9. Rub a drop over the bridge of the nose to unblock tear ducts
10. Rub on dry or chapped skin
11. Use on chapped or sunburned lips
12. Massage on and around wound to reduce or minimize the formation of scar tissue
13. Use 2-4 drops as deodorant
14. Put a drop on palms and inhale deeply to alleviate hay fever
15. Rub several drops to eliminate dandruff
16. Use to scent closets and rid moths with a drop on a cotton ball placed in drawer, chest or closet
17. Place a drop in your water fountain to scent the air, kill bacteria and prolong time between cleanings
18. Put a few drops on wet cloth and throw into dryer to scent clothes, deodorize and freshen the laundry
19. Put one drop on a cold sore
20. Diffuse to alleviate allergy symptoms
21. Spritz several drops mixed with distilled water on sunburn for pain
22. Drop lavender on a cut to clean the wound and kill bacteria
23. Apply 2-3 drops to a rash to stop the itching and heal the skin

LEMON - has antiseptic like properties and contains compounds that have been studied for their effects on immune function. It may serve as an insect repellent and may be beneficial for the skin. CAUTION: Citrus oils should NOT be applied to skin that will be exposed to directsunlight or ultraviolet light within 72 hours.

24. Use 6 drops of lemon and 6 drops of Purification oil in a spray bottle mixed with distilled water to use as air freshener
25. Use 1-2 drops to remove gum, oil, grease spots or crayon
26. Use 1 drop to add flavor to baked goods, water or cooking
27. Mix 2 drops lemon, Blue Agave Nectar and two cups pure water for homemade lemonade. Adjust to taste.
28. May make a corn, callous or bunion disappear by rubbing 1 drop morning and night on location
29. To clean and increase life of fruit, fill a bowl with cool water, add 2-3 drops of lemon, stir. Be sure all fruit is covered.
30. Add 2-3 drops to water and spray counters to disinfect
31. Soak dishcloth overnight in water and lemon mix to disinfect and kill germs between laundering
32. Add a drop to dishwasher before wash cycle to help with cleaning and sheeting action
33. Rub a drop on hands after using public restroom as disinfectant
34. Sanitize fixtures with a few drops of lemon on cloth
35. Place a drop on cold sores, herpes or mouth ulcers to help eliminate cellular waste
36. Put a drop on bleeding gums caused by gingivitis or tooth extraction
37. Put a drop on oily skin or acne to balance sebaceous glands
38. Rub several drops on cellulite to improve circulation and help eliminate waste from fat cells
39. Rub two drops on location to clear athletes foot
40. Rub several drops on varicose veins to improve circulation and relive pressure on the veins
41. Rub a drop on a wart morning and night until it disappears
42. Rub a drop on butchers blocks to cleanse bacteria
43. Put 10-15 drops in each gallon of carpet cleaning solution to help pull out stains and brighten the rug and to leave smelling fresh

PEPPERMINT - is one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion.
Jean Valnet, MD, studied peppermint's effect on the liver and respiratory systems. Other scientists have also researched peppermint's role in affecting impaired taste and smell when inhaled. Dr. William Dember, University of Cincinnati, studied its ability to improve concentration and mental accuracy. Alan Hirsch, MD studied peppermint directly affecting the
brain satiety center, which triggers a sense of fullness after meals. Organically grown, therapeutic-quality Peppermint is grown and distilled at the YL Farms.

44. Rub 4-6 drops in your palm and then rub over stomach, around navel to relieve indigestion, flatulence and diarrhea
45. Add a drop to herbal tea to aid digestion and relieve heartburn
46. Massage several drops on the area of injury to reduce inflammation
47. Apply immediately to an injured area to relieve pain. If there is a cut, peppermint should NOT be put in wound
48. Rub several drops on bottom of feet to reduce fever; rub on temples, back of neck and feetto relieve hot flashes
49. Apply a drop on unbroken skin to stop itching
50. Apply on location neat or diluted with carrier oil for poison oak or ivy
51. Inhale before and during workout to boost your mood and reduce fatigue.
52. Massage several drops on abdomen to relieve nausea
53. Rub a drop on temples, forehead, back of head and neck for headache relief
54. To stop hiccups, apply a drop on each side of the fifth cervical vertebra (up three notches from the large vertebra at the base of the neck)
55. Place two drops on the tongue and rub another drop under the nose to improve alertness and concentration
56. Diffuse in the room while studying to improve concentration and accuracy. Inhale same oil while taking test to improve recall
57. Rub 4 drops on chest and stomach to relieve travel sickness
58. Place a drop on the tongue and inhale into the nose and sinuses to relieve congestion from a cold
59. Add to food as a flavoring and preservative
60. To deter rats, mice, ants or cockroaches, place two drops on a cotton ball and place along the path or point of entry
61. Mix one 15-ml bottle into a gallon of paint to dispel fumes
62. Place a couple drops in a cup of hot water and enjoy in place of coffee
63. To kill aphids, add 4-5 drops to 4 ounces water and spray your plants
64. Drink a drop in a glass of cold water to cool off on a hot day
65. Rub on joints to relieve arthritis or tendonitis pain
66. Place a drop on the tongue to get rid of bad breath
67. Inhale to curb the appetite and lesson the impulse to overeat
68. Remove ticks by applying a drop on a cotton swab and swabbing the tick. Wait for head to pull out and remove
69. Mix in footbath to relieve sore feet. Agitate water to enhance effect.

JOY - is an exotic, luxurious blend of Bergamot (Citrus bergamia), ylang ylang (Canangaodorata), geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora), lemon (Citrus limon), mandarin (Citrus reticulata), jasmine (Jasminum officinale), Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile), palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii), and rose (Rosa damascena) that produces an uplifting magnetic energy and brings joy to the heart. When worn as a cologne or
perfume, JOY exudes an alluring and irresistible fragrance that inspires romance and togetherness. When diffused, it can be refreshing and uplifting.

70. Rub a drop over the heart and bottom of each foot to relieve feelings of frustration and
71. Put a drop on the tip of nose to uplift mood
72. Wear behind each ear as a perfume
73. Rub a drop between palms and apply on face or legs after shaving to hydrate
74. Rub two drop on areas with poor circulation to improve blood flow
75. Rub two drops on armpit area to use for deodorant
76. Rub two drops on the heart and feet to increase libido
77. Spring a few drops into potpourri to improve the fragrance (but do not burn!)

PANAWAY - was created by D. GaryYoung following an injury that severely tore ligaments in his leg. PanAway is a blend of wintergreen (active constituent similar to cortisone), helichrysum (soothing for localized discomfort), clove (contains eugenol used by dentists to numb gums), and peppermint (calming for nerves). Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens),
helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum), clove (Syzygium aromaticum) and peppermint (Mentha piperita).

78. Apply topically to reduce inflammation and bruising
79. Apply to sore muscles after exercising
80. Rub a drop on temples, forehead and back of neck to relieve a headache
81. Mix with massage oil and rub on growing pain areas
82. Rub 1-2 drops on arthritic hands to lessen pain
83. Rub 2-3 drops at base of spine for sciatic pain
84. Massage diluted oil on arthritic pets or put a drop in their food.

PEACE & CALMING - is a gentle fragrant blend of Tangerine (Citrus nobilis), orange (Citrusaurantium), ylang ylang (Cananga odorata), patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) and blue tansy(Tanacetum annuum) specially designed for diffusing. It promotes relaxation and a deep senseof peace, helping to calm tensions and uplift spirits.

85. Rub 1-2 drops on bottom of feet and on the shoulders before bedtime to get good qualitysleep
86. Diffuse to calm overactive children or hard to manage children
87. Mix with massage oil for relaxing massage
88. Mix with carrier salts for a gentle bath

PURIFICATION - is an antiseptic blend of Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus), lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), Melaleuca (Melaleuca alternifolia) lavandin (Lavandula x hybrida), and myrtle (Myrtus communis) formulated for diffusing to purify and cleanse the air and neutralize mildew, cigarette smoke and disagreeable odors.

90. Diffuse to clean air and neutralize foul or stale odors.
91. Put several drops on cotton ball and place in air vents at home, office, hotel, or car
92. While traveling, inhale during flights to protect yourself from pathogens found in the recirculated air
93. Put a drop on insect bites to cleanse and stop the itching
94. Apply a drop on blemishes to clear the skin
95. Rub a drop on the outside of a sore throat when it is first starting
96. Rub a drop on a blister to disinfect and cleanse
97. Put 2 drops on two cotton balls and place in the toes of smelly sneakers
98. Place a drop on each end of a cotton swab and place on top of your cold water humidifier to clean the air
99. Dilute with carrier oil and swab the nasal cavity to ward off the flu
100. Spritz several drop mixed with water to repel insects.
101. Apply Purification and Peppermint diluted with carrier oil to a cotton swab and rub just inside the ear to eliminate ear mites in dogs and cats.

1. Always keep a bottle of vegetable oil, olive oil, sesame oil, grape seed oil or YL V-6 Mixing Oil on hand when using essential oils. If any discomfort from the oils is experienced, immediately dilute with one of these oils. NEVER USE WATER as water will enhance the effect of oil. Oil and water do not mix.
2. Keep bottles of essential oils tightly closed and store them in a cool location away from light.
If stored properly, essential oils will maintain their potency for many years. Oils should be in an amber colored glass bottle, never cobalt blue and if in clear glass they should be kept in a dark place when not in use.
3. Keep essential oils out of the reach of children. Treat them as you would any product for therapeutic use.
4. Do not use essential oils rich in menthol (peppermint, spearmint, wintergreen, etc.) on the throat or neck area of children under the age of 3.
5. If you have asthma, or someone in your house has asthma, take care when using the eucalyptus oils. It is best on the bottom of the feet and not near the face.
6. Lemon, bergamot, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, White Angelica and other citrus oils and blends may cause a rash or discomfort if used and area is exposed to sunlight or UV rays within 3 to 4 days of use.
7. Essential oils should NEVER be dripped into the ears or eyes. Take care when applying oils to fingers that you do not rub eyes afterwards.. Applying oils to fingertips and then rubbing inside ear is proper application process.
8. Do not handle contact lenses with oils on fingers.
9. Oils with high phenol content - oregano, helichrysum, cinnamon, thyme, clove, lemongrass, bergamot, Thieves and ImmuPower - may damage contacts and irritate eyes.
10. Pregnant women should consult their health care professional before using essential oils containing constituents with hormone-like activity such as clary sage, sage, Idaho Tansy, juniper and fennel.
11. Epileptics and those with high blood pressure should consult their health care professional before using essential oils. Avoid hyssop, fennel and Idaho Tansy oils as well as those with tree-like properties (spruce, fir, Valor, pine, etc.)
12. People with allergies should test a small amount of oil on a small area of sensitive skin such as inside of arm. Bottom of the feet is the most effective place to use essential oils.
13. Before taking GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) essential oils internally, always dilute with an oil-soluble liquid such as honey, olive oil or soy/rice/almond milk.
14. Do not add undiluted essential oils directly to bath water. Use Bath Gel Base or Salts as a dispersing agent for the oils in the bath.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

This holiday, give your friends and family, the gift of wellness with YOUNG LIVING products.

Make your gift shopping easy, buy your loved ones something they will use and appreciate, a YOUNG LIVING Essential Oils Collection.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Holiday Essentials - The Exotic Oils Collection!!

When Young Living founder and CEO D. Gary Young sets his mind on something, he works diligently to follow through. At the 2013 International Grand Convention, he set out to deliver new, exciting essential oils from around the world, including places such as Ecuador, Taiwan, Japan, and Arabia. These oils were packaged as part of the Exotic Oils Collection that was originally only available at the convention.
You will notice in the upcoming 2013 Holiday Catalog that we have made the Exotic Oils Collection available for purchase (while supplies last). If you are not able to purchase an Exotic Oils Collection, we are happy to announce that the oils from Taiwan—Hong Kuai and Xiang Mao—will now be available on a permanent basis starting October 7!
Learn more about each of the essential oils in the Exotic Oils Collection below.
Hong Kuai (Chamaecyparis formosensis)
Hong Kuai is a treasured tree found only in the steep mountain rain forests of Taiwan. The naturally fallen logs possess a sesquiterpene-rich, woody aroma. Hong Kuai’s lasting woody aroma makes it a prized lumber for building temples and shrines; its name in Chinese characters means “the respected trees for the temple-building society.”
Xiang Mao (Cymbopogon citratus)
Young Living’s Xiang Mao essential oil, commonly known as red lemongrass, is an organic essential oil that is distilled from the xiang mao grass that is grown on the mountain slopes by the Paiwan aboriginal tribe in southeastern Taiwan. Xiang Mao was traditionally used to freshen household air, promote a sense of well-being, and moisten the skin.
Amazonian Ylang Ylang™ (Cananga odorata equitoriana)
The aroma of Amazonian Ylang Ylang is floral, sweet, and potent. Traditionally, the flowers have been used for various events such as weddings, parties, and ceremonies.
Plectranthus Oregano™ (Plectranthus amboinicus)
Plectranthus Oregano is a hardy, aromatic perennial originating from South Africa. Gary Young chose to grow it as an oregano alternative at the 2,500-acre Young Living Ecuador farm. He dubbed it “Plectranthus Oregano” because of its oregano-like aroma and flavor.
Yuzu (Citrus junos)
Yuzu is a refreshing, small citrus fruit that grows on the cooler mountain slopes of Shikoku Island, Japan. In Japan, yuzu rinds are traditionally placed in warm bathwater as part of a relaxing bath. This is a beautifully hydrodistilled citrus essential oil—completely clear, yet invitingly aromatic. A key ingredient in NingXia Red®, Yuzu contains limonoids.
Biblical Sweet Myrrh™ (Commiphora erythraea)
Biblical Sweet Myrrh is a highly prized tree resin that grows on the mystical island of Socotra, south of the Arabian Peninsula. You can learn about the properties of sweet myrrh in The One Gift, Gary Young’s historical and adventurous novel about life on the caravan trail in ancient Arabia.
Please leave a comment and share your excitement and thoughts on the Exotic Oils Collection and the newly available Hong Kuai and Xiang Mao essential oils.
The Exotic Oils collection and other Holiday Catalog items will be available to order October 7, 2013, so be sure to have your holiday shopping list ready!
—Marco Colindres III, YL Associate Product Manager

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

YOUNG LIVING ESSENTIAL OILS - sponsor ID 911438: Enjoy Warm Fall Scents with October PromotionsNo...


Enjoy Warm Fall Scents with October PromotionsNo...
: Enjoy Warm Fall Scents with October Promotions Nothing helps transition your home into the holiday season like the warming aromas...

Enjoy Warm Fall Scents with October Promotions

Cinnamon Bark & Myrrh

Nothing helps transition your home into the holiday season like the warming aromas of autumn—earthy, spicy scents that uplift and invite reflection. This October, you can earn free 5-ml bottles of Cinnamon Bark and Myrrh essential oils, plus a $20 enrollment coupon with your order!

Reach either of the following PV minimums in a single order during October to earn these fall favorites:

250 PV Reward

Order 250 PV and receive one 5-ml bottle each of Cinnamon Bark and Myrrh essential oils and a $20 enrollment coupon. This reward pack has a retail value of $85.79!

Cinnamon Bark: With its beloved, spicy-sweet aroma, Cinnamon Bark is a favorite for use as an uplifting home fragrance. A key component of Thieves® essential oil blend, it also offers a host of wellness benefits.* Diffuse to invite tranquility and relaxation, or dilute in a 1:4 ratio and apply topically or take internally.
Myrrh: Derived from the precious resin of the Somali myrrh tree, Myrrh essential oil’s smoky, balsamic aroma has traditionally been used to promote spirituality. It is also a great addition to any skin-care regimen—myrrh can tone the appearance of the skin and promote a more youthful-looking complexion. Diffuse during prayer and meditation, or mix into your morning or evening moisturizer for a glowing complexion.
$20 Enrollment Coupon: This transferable enrollment coupon is an ideal tool for sharing Young Living and bringing new energy to your organization. Look for a discount code on your qualifying 250 PV order invoice, which you may then give to an enrolling distributor to help offset the cost of a Starter Kit. To redeem the code, the enrolling distributor must sign up online with one of our new, exciting enrollment kits and enter the coupon code upon checkout, allowing him or her to join for as little as $20! This unique benefit makes it more enticing than ever to join Young Living!


190 PV Reward

Order 190 PV and receive free 5-ml Cinnamon Bark and 5-ml Myrrh essential oils—a retail value of $65.49!
Printable flyers and postcards for sharing will be available in the Business-Building Resources section on the Distributor Resources page.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Young Living Beauty School

November 8-9
A sold-out hit last March, the Young Living Beauty School is back with new activities, improvements to our agenda, and fun-filled surprises! 
From November 8-9, you can join us at the luxurious Zermatt Resort in Midway, Utah, to receive two days of exclusive education, experiences, and products, including:
The special opportunity to experience hands-on training, in-depth instruction, and networking with other distributors while exploring Young Living’s personal-care products and essential oils
Previews and samples of upcoming products and current favorites
Easily, duplicable how-tos for hosting home skin-care parties for both distributors and their downline members
The official Beauty School Kit free with registration. This kit is packed with products available only at the Beauty School, including Jeunesse, our event-exclusive essential oil blend; our interactive, hardbound “how-to” book; and lots of other must-have Young Living product samples, all in a professional-quality carrying case.
This event will also feature our new “Gift Fair with Flair,” a Young Living beauty exhibition that offers creative ideas and gifts to help you introduce our products to friends, family, and potential new members during the upcoming holiday season.
Register before 11:59 p.m., MT, on September 30 to receive the special early bird price of $270, plus two individual orchid Beauty Masques and one entry into a drawing for one of three gift baskets, retailing at $175, $125, and $75. Beginning October 1 at 12 a.m., MT, the cost will go up to $300 and will not include the free masques or drawing entry. Our last Beauty School event sold out before the early bird discount expired—so be sure to register as soon as possible and secure your spot!
Click on the links below for more information:

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Essential Oils Desk Reference Convention Edition

Essential Oils Desk Reference Convention Edition

Essential Oils Desk Reference Convention Edition
Product Code: 3EDRC
Availability: In Stock
Price: $59.95 $59.95
   - OR -   
Pre-order yours today and they will be shipped out as soon as they arrive! To pick yours up at Grand Convention and save on shipping, call us at 1-800-336-6308.
Just in time for Young Living's Grand Convention 2013, Life Science Publishing is proud to introduce to you the NEW and improved Essential Oils Desk Reference Convention Edition. Say goodby to the bulky three-ring binder! The new EODR Convention Edition is improved with a spiral bound configuration thus reducing overall prouduct weight making it more convenient to carry with you on the go. Cost of production has also been reduced allowing us to pass along the savings to you, our valued customers. The following improvements can be found in the EODR Covention Edition:
  • Distributor requested product highlighted index
  • New Essential Oils research information
  • A new section on Airase
To receive discounts on bulk orders, call us at 1-800-336-6308 to speak with a sales associate.

Bulk Discounts are as follows: 
50 to 99 books at $55.00 each
100+ books at $50.00 each

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Need More Energy?

Need More Energy?
Obviously, the first step to increasing energy is a healthy diet, exercise, and adequate rest. For me, that covers about 90 percent of my time. So how do I make up the difference? Gary’s recommendation is NingXia Nitro. NingXia Nitro is an all-natural way to increase cognitive alertness, enhance mental fitness, and support overall performance.* Its benefits are derived from a wide range of powerful cognitive enhancers, including:
  • Proprietary Nitro oil blend—Black pepper, nutmeg, vanilla, chocolate, yerba mate, spearmint, and peppermint essential oils and wolfberry seed oil
  • Proprietary Nitro energy blend—Bioenergy Ribose®, green tea extract, Korean ginseng extract, mulberry leaf extract
  • B vitamins—B12 (methylcobalamin), B3 (niacinamide), B6 (pyridoxine HCI)
  • Choline
Gary Young synergistically combined immediate and long-term energy-supporting ingredients into a product that speeds up recovery and increases overall energy reserves. NingXia Nitro is a simple and convenient way to become more focused, support mental acuity, and enhance physical performance.*
Each order of NingXia Nitro comes with 14 single-use tubes. It is designed to be taken directly from the tube or mixed with 2-4 oz. of NingXia Red®. or 4 oz. of water anytime you need a pick-me-up. NingXia Nitro is intended to enhance, not replace, NingXia Red. It should be available for purchase in mid-July.
We want to know why you want more energy. We will randomly select one individual who leaves a comment by Friday, June 28, on what he or she would do with more energy to receive a free box of NingXia Nitro. Good luck!

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Young Living’s new Thieves® Dental Floss

Are you ready to experience Young Living’s new Thieves® Dental Floss? Now featuring two layers of Young Living essential oils—Thieves blend and peppermint—this improved floss is available to order!

Fight against bacteria and tooth decay more effectively than ever while freshening your breath with a floss strong enough to resist fraying and breaking but sleek enough to glide easily between your teeth.

With all of these improvements, plus a 33-foot increase in length, our all-new Thieves floss will put a smile on your face! Visit Virtual Office to add this great new floss (Item No. 4463122) to your next order!

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Celebrate Dad With a Kit Just for Him!

Does your dad enjoy nature? Take advantage of our limited-time Father’s Day promotion so he can bring the woodsy scents of the outdoors inside, and the comfort of the indoors outside! From June 5-14, save 20 percent on our exclusive “Just for Dad” kit, which includes 5-ml Idaho Blue Spruce and 15-ml citronella essential oils, and a 10-pack of AromaGlide Fitments—a retail savings of $13.75!
Idaho Blue Spruce
: Idaho Blue Spruce’s woodsy, masculine scent makes it a perfect choice for a distinctive cologne to help dad feel balanced, empowered, and invigorated throughout his busy day. When diffused, inhaled directly, or diluted and applied topically, this essential oil can offer emotional grounding and a relaxing influence.

Citronella: A favorite for insect-repelling candles and sprays, citronella is well-known for its ability to keep mosquitoes and other bothersome bugs at bay. Whether he’s grilling, fishing, hiking, or just enjoying time outside, he can either diffuse or dilute and topically apply this practical essential oil to enjoy his outdoor work and play in insect-free comfort!

AromaGlide: No matter what dad’s adventure is for the day, he can easily use his essential oils anywhere with AromaGlide Roller fitments. This 10-pack of patent-pending fitments easily turns ten of his favorite oils and blends into convenient roll-ons that are easier to use on the go than traditional dropper bottles!

2013 Mar Triple Promo Graphic 451x416

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Gentle Baby™ is a soft, fragrant combination of essential oils designed specifically for mothers and babies. It helps calm emotions during pregnancy and is useful for quieting troubled little ones. It is also soothing to tender skin. Many of the essential oils in this blend are used in elite cosmetics to enhance a youthful appearance.

For aromatic use. Diffuse or apply on mother's abdomen, feet, lower back, face, and neck areas. Dilute with V-6™ Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex for full body massage and for applying on baby's skin.
Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under a doctor's care, consult your physician. Dilution not required; suitable for all but the most sensitive skin. Generally safe for children over 2 years of age. Because of the photo-sensitivity of bergamot, which is in this blend, do not apply to skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight within 48 hours.

Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora), Geranium (pelargonium graveolens), palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile), ylang ylang (Cananga odorata), lemon (Citrus limon), jasmine (Jasminum officinale), bergamot (citrus bergamia), and rose (Rosa damascena). 

Lemon Essential Oils

Lemon Essential Oil

Use 1–2 drops of lemon essential oil to remove gum, oil, grease spots, glue or adhesive, and crayon from most surfaces.

Combine 2–3 drops of lemon essential oil with water in a spray bottle to help cleanse and sanitize surfaces.

Place a drop of lemon essential oil on oily skin or blemishes to help balance oil glands and minimize oil production.

Soothe corns, calluses or bunions by rubbing lemon essential oil on the affected area morning and evening.

Massage lemon essential oil into cellulite to help improve circulation and eliminate waste from cells.

Add lemon essential oil to your morning tea or breakfast shake for a refreshing pick-me-up.

Inhale lemon essential oil or place a few drops on a cotton ball to replenish your mind, body, and spirit.

Add 10–15 drops of lemon essential oil to a gallon of carpet cleaning solution to help pull out stains, brighten carpet and rugs, and leave a fresh smell in the room.

Add several drops of lemon essential oil to a chicken marinade for a delicious dinner.

Place a few drops of your favorite citrus essential oil on a cotton ball and put in the refrigerator to help eliminate odors.